- Our uniform policy includes easily accessible colours and does not require to have a logo branded item.
- School clothing grant is highlighted in newsletters and on the school app. Accessed by clicking here
- Sports clothes are worn on gym days and any sport outfit is accepted (except football strips)
- Some stock of underwear and school clothing kept in school and issued when required
- Nursery provide outside clothing, waterproofs and have extra wellies for children
- P7 hoodies are provided free to anyone who cannot fund one
- Nursery and P1-5 children are entitled to free school meals
- Nursery children access free snack during their session
- Free Tuck Shop accessed daily by any children in need of snack
- Parents / carers in P6 and P7 are encouraged to apply for free school meals if eligible - click here
- Identified children are given breakfast and snack everyday at no cost
- Free refreshments provided at Parent’s events
- Free sanitary products are available to any pupils who require them
- Free toothbrushes and toothpaste provided in Nursery
- Active Schools and school staff provide some active clubs free of charge
- Swimming lessons provided through Live Active, free of charge
- A range of health checks and immunisations are provided in school to save parents / carers travel costs
- Fundraising is spread throughout the year to minimise financial impact on families
- Fundraising is focused on key school priorities
- Donations for fundraising are optional and discrete via Parent Pay
- Liaise with Parent Council to agree spread of fundraising throughout the year
- We do not have any themed days that incur cost
- Most Nursery and School events are all free of charge
- Support from Parent Council for Christmas parties, party food and prizes
- Support from Parent Council for Sports Day refreshments
- Donations of books, comics etc for school library are encouraged
- Donations of preloved items rather than money for fundraising events (e.g. Raffles)
- All trips are reviewed to ensure costs are not excessive with a capped price of £15 maximum per trip
- We give parents / carers time to allow to pay
- Options for parents / carers to pay up over a period of time if required
- Anyone who cannot afford a trip will have it paid by the school
- We seek grants and subsidies for school trip transport
- All transport for P7 transition to PHS is paid for through school funds
- We provide a some extra curricular clubs during lunchtime and after school. These are all free of charge.
- Parent Council fund and organise provision of sports strips, with support from local businesses, to avoid fundraising
- Cost effective suppliers selected for service, for example school photos
- Contact Perth and Kinross Welfare Rights team by clicking here